Mom's Kitchen Handbook

Moroccan Carrot Hummus

The topic of snacking is the source of much debate in parenting circles. There are the moms who always have a slew of snacks at the ready, seemingly terrified that their child go hungry for more than a 10 minute stretch. And the French, who claim that their children don’t really snack at all.  All the while, food manufacturers do their darndest to get us to nibble at all hours of the day and night.

Where do I fall on the snacking spectrum? Somewhere in the middle. I see a place for between-meal munching, particularly for very active children and little ones who may not eat much at any one sitting. But if you’re gonna snack, you gotta make it count.

This brings me to today’s recipe for creamy carrot hummus. I teamed up with Plum Organics on this one, a like-minded brand with a reputation for wholesome, culinary-inspired food for babies, tots, and kids.

The recipe riffs on traditional hummus by whirling Plum Organic’s Just Carrots or Apple and Carrot puree into every batch. It’s a move that adds a boost of nourishment, color and flavor to what is already a pretty wholesome dip. The hummus is rounded out with a handful of spices, which gives it a decidedly Moroccan kick that’s flavorful but never spicy. Serve it with crisp vegetables and your favorite whole grain crackers or pita chips and you’ve got a snack that even a French school girl couldn’t turn down.

Head on over here to find the recipe.

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