Mom's Kitchen Handbook

My Cookbook! a Sneak Peek


Best Lunch Box Ever Cookbook /

The subject line on the email read simply, “I’ve Got Books!!!”

It was from Amy, my editor at Chronicle Books (reason alone to write a book is that you get to say things like, “my editor” and “my agent” that make you sound far more professional than you might actually be or feel).

Three advance copies of Best Lunch Box Ever, my first cookbook, were waiting for me at the Chronicle offices, a mere four miles down the road. Did I want to pick them up instead of wait for them to come by mail?

Hell yes.

With two of my kids out for Spring break, we hightailed it down there, my belly full of butterflies. I worried I might cry in front of Amy. I feared my kids would consider a professional setting a good place to experiment with using foul language or talking back to their mother.

Neither happened.

There was Amy, with a smile, and the books, one for each girl, plus a third for my daughter still in school. We went outside. It was a beautiful April day, just right for a photo:

Flipping through the book at home later that day, I realized it had been a while since  I’d laid eyes on all those pages.  This, after so many months of total immersion. I felt inspired and proud, but what struck me most was this thought:

“I could really use a book like this.”

For real.

What more could I ask for?

The book won’t be in stores until August, just in time for back-to-school. But you can pre-order a copy now and up the likelihood you’ll have yours before everyone else.  Click one of these guys below to do so.

Barnes and 

Oh, and don’t be shy… TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

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