10 Days Of Real Food a New Year’s Resolution for the Whole Family
I’ve got big plans in store for heading headlong into a healthy New Year. I’d love if you’d join me.
No, it’s not a juice fast. I’m not fixing to go vegan, or freegan, gluten-free, or casein-free, or raw, or paleo, or any of the other popular diets of late.
I’m planning simply this: 10 Days of Real Food.
10 Days of Real Food. It’s a movement of sorts inspired by Lisa Leake, a mom who committed her family of four to eat nothing but “real food” for 100 days. It went off so well, and her whole crew felt so darn healthy (cholesterol levels down, asthma obliterated, digestive issues no more), that she’s stuck with it for the long haul, inspiring a popular blog along with thousands of “real food” converts.
I’m not going to ask you (or myself) for 100 Days of Real Food, just 10, which means effectively committing to a week and a half of unprocessed, unpackaged, unadulterated food, including many of the everyday foods we consider part and parcel to raising kids:
–No refined grains such as white flour or white rice
–No refined sweeteners such as sugar and cane juice
–Nothing artificial such as Equal or Sucralose
…and here’s the kicker
–Nothing from a box, can, bag, bottle, or package that has more than five ingredients on the label
While I’ve long been on the “real food” bandwagon, life sometimes gets in the way of my resolve to stay away from the packaged food aisles and out of the cookie jar. I figure the New Year is a great time to push the reset button.
I plan to launch our family’s 10 Days of Real Food on Tuesday January 8. That gives you a little over a week to give it some thought, clear out the pantry, and prep your people. I’ll post more details about the dos and don’ts next week or you can peek here if you just can’t wait.
Any takers?
12.31.2012 at9:43 AM #
I’m in! I like the “no more than 5 ingredients”, that is doable.
Happy New Year!
12.31.2012 at9:43 AM #
Katie Morford
Great! FTI…I think the “5 ingredient” rule descends from Michael Pollan.
12.31.2012 at10:04 AM #
I’m in, this is a great idea! A friend is thinking hard about a juice fast, and was looking for a buddy. But not sure that feels like “me”. I’d rather do something that has longer-term implications to how I shop and eat.
12.31.2012 at10:04 AM #
Katie Morford
Totally…I think this is quite sustainable over time.
12.31.2012 at11:42 AM #
Love this! It really is much simpler than I thought. Not sure I can coerce hubby into it, but I’ll lead the charge and since I do all the cooking, my soldiers are sure to follow. Thanks Katie!
12.31.2012 at11:42 AM #
Katie Morford
Glad to have the company.
12.31.2012 at7:06 PM #
Oh wow – I would really, really like to, but I’m seriously intimidated. Maybe if you post how you did it, I can try later in January. Good luck!
12.31.2012 at7:06 PM #
Katie Morford
Hi Christina…It took me a little while to wrap my mind around doing it, but 10 days will probably fly by. I’ll post on how I plan to go about it and I’ll be giving regular updates on my FB page, so you can tune in there!
01.01.2013 at9:40 AM #
I’m reading this as I’m preparing breakfast and realizing there are way too many packaged foods in my routine with too many ingredients. (Really, why should I eat something with ingredients I can’t pronounce?!) But I agree with the poster who said she felt intimidated– I could also use as many tips as you can share. And thanks for the 8 day lead time– I will start preparing now!
01.01.2013 at9:40 AM #
Katie Morford
Will do my best on the tips.
01.01.2013 at11:21 AM #
We’re going to make this part of our traditional Healthy Living January – the tough part will be getting the kids to eat whole grains. Happy New Year!
01.01.2013 at11:21 AM #
Katie Morford
“Healthy Living January”…this sounds just right.
01.01.2013 at4:11 PM #
I’m excited to try this and I’ll be glad to have some virtual support! Happy New Year!
01.01.2013 at4:11 PM #
Katie Morford
Virtual support forthcoming!
01.03.2013 at11:04 PM #
kim brady
Awesome, I am in. This sounds like the perfect balance to 10 days of eating meat, meat and more meat in Mexico. Thanks, Katie.
01.03.2013 at11:04 PM #
Katie Morford
Glad to have you partaking in the real food adventure!
01.30.2013 at6:40 PM #
I don’t think I’ll have a problem with breakfast or dinner but lunch…..I make lunches for my son a growing 13 year old boy who is a little on the chunky monkey side, but is working out 3 days a week. I also make lunch for my husband to save money and because he has no problem running to lets say Burger King. I know gross right? Any suggestions? I definitely think menu planning is a must. I’m excited
01.30.2013 at6:40 PM #
Katie Morford
Hi Barb, I think a good bet for lunches is to rely on leftovers. Make more of your dinner meal than you need, and then pack into thermoses the next day. You can make sandwiches on whole grain bread or rolled into tortillas. I’ll keep my thinking cap on and share more ideas if they pop up. Good luck.