A Not-so-Dirty Little Secret

I’ve been keeping a secret. I’ve never been very good at secrets, at least not the happy kind. Take, for instance, how I handled the first three months of my pregnancies, a time when common sense dictates that you keep this news between you and your beloved. But each night, I’d have to confess to Mr. Mom’s Kitchen the names of all the people to whom I’d spilled the beans that day. At first, my sister, my best friend, my dad. Soon, a neighbor, a cousin on the East Coast, a friend’s mother. Ultimately, the UPS guy, the lady who loaned me a pen at the post office, the telemarketer calling to sell me a timeshare.
And so you can imagine how it’s been to keep a very good secret from all of you. But it’s 2015 now, and I can’t do it one second longer.
Cue the Pointer Sisters, I’m so excited!!!”
This time I’m turning my attention from lunch to breakfast, with a book all about getting a meal in front of your family before they spill out the door and into their day. I’ve been knee deep in eggs and oatmeal for months, feeding my family breakfast for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner. Repeat.
I’ve been doing my best to spend time here, but writing the book has meant a little less room for the blog.. I’m approaching the finish line, though, with the deadline for my manuscript just a few months away. As I round the corner, I’d love to get your input on all things breakfast. For example:
- What kinds of recipes or tips would you like in a breakfast cookbook?
- How much time do you have to devote to breakfast in the morning (or the night before, if you prep ahead)?
- What are some of your biggest challenges with regard to breakfast? For yourself? With your kids?
- What are some of your favorite quick breakfasts?
Pretty please, do tell. Any and all breakfast musings, gripes, and advice are most welcome in the comments section below.
Now I’m off to eat those pancakes. It is my job, after all.
01.12.2015 at5:35 AM #
I’m so glad you’re doing breakfast! I love breakfast time, but I struggle to feed my husband healthy, quick breakfasts. He usually runs out the door, and I am down to just two healthy options for the poor man – oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar, and eggs with a slice of turkey bacon.
The most helpful thing for me would be to have ideas of what to put together for a heathy, well-balanced meal, and to have recipes for things I can make ahead that he can pull out of the freezer, and heat up, and go.
Tall order, I know. Thanks in advance!
01.12.2015 at5:35 AM #
Katie Morford
Smart Amy. And I agree that make-aheads are key for some breakfast eaters who just want to dash out the door. And using the freezer is a great idea. I think we usually think of that for make-ahead dinners, but why not breakfast.
01.12.2015 at5:39 AM #
Wow ! Such a great idea- I find breakfast to be the hardest meal of the day by far– for the kids that is -im easy 😉
I always want to provide a big protein hit, but the kids want the worst carbs at that time – they would have donuts of any sort if they could..
Smoothies are great, but not when it gets cold.
I’ve relied on trader joes dal, that’s definitely been my stand by.
(It’s especially hard because my kids arent big fans of eggs),
Already looking forward to the cookbook katie!
01.12.2015 at5:39 AM #
Katie Morford
Dal and eggs. Great idea. And you are so right, that protein is key.
01.12.2015 at6:14 AM #
I love oatmeal bowls soaked in non dairy milk with fruit and nuts or nut butters and a bit of flax. I also LOVE almond butter on sprouted toast. My cousin tops hers with apples which sounds wonderful. I often eat peanut butter or almond butter straight on a sliced apple for breakfast. I agree with the last comment that smoothies are wonderful, but hard to do in the winter when it chills you on the inside. I have an awesome recipe for muffins and it has a low amount of sugar, but still does have a bit. I make them when I have company in. My son generally eats peanut butter toast or an egg on a whole wheat bun, fresh fruit and water. He is 13 and we are still working on developing his tastes.
01.12.2015 at6:14 AM #
Katie Morford
Sounds like you are doing pretty well on the breakfast front. I’d love to know more about that muffin, though. Most muffins have at least a cup of sugar in a batch, so I’m always looking for tasty options that are a little more nourishing.
01.12.2015 at7:56 AM #
I have several issues: I eat breakfast at work so I can’t cook eggs (they tend to stink up the office and everyone complains) therefore I struggle to get good protein to keep me full. I also struggle to find a protein source for my son who does not like eggs. I need things I can pack and take on the go and be easily/quickly prepared in the morning or prepped the night before.
01.12.2015 at7:56 AM #
Katie Morford
I think all of your “needs” for breakfast are pretty common ones and I’m hoping to work non-egg protein options into the book as well as make-ahead ideas. I really appreciate the comment.
01.12.2015 at8:04 AM #
My challenge is that with teenagers, everyone has a different schedule. I’m working to get ready too, so doubling as a short-order cook is impossible. The kids default to cereal; the grownups to oatmeal. I would love to get something set up the night before that each person can put together themselves.
01.12.2015 at8:04 AM #
Katie Morford
I hear you Anne. I have a similar challenge, as you know. Sounds like make aheads is a common theme here. Thanks for the comment.
01.12.2015 at8:05 AM #
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean
so exciting! congrats! breakfast is my favorite meal of the day 🙂
01.12.2015 at8:05 AM #
Katie Morford
Thank you Lindsay. I love breakfast, too, and despite much recipe testing, I’ve not gotten tired of it yet. This book is so fun to write.
01.12.2015 at8:31 AM #
Liz - Meal Makeover Mom
Congratulations. This is such exciting news. I was just reading an awesome post on Breakfast Tips over at MJ and the Hungry Man’s blog this morning. Check it out. As for my family, I always struggle to get enough protein on the breakfast table. I have a 16 year old living at home (my 19-year old is in college), and other than eggs, he often gravitates to cereal. Giving protein tips and recipes would be my suggestion. And knowing how many grams of protein are in each breakfast recipe might be nice too! Keep up the great work.
01.12.2015 at8:31 AM #
Katie Morford
Thank you Liz. I like the idea of protein tips and specifics on how much protein sounds like a good idea too. People might be surprised to learn, for example, how much more protein is in a cup of Greek yogurt verus regular. Thanks for adding your expert advice.
01.12.2015 at8:38 AM #
Margaret-Ellen Jeffreys
I would like to second the “protein please!” and “make-ahead, please!” I tend to cook as much as I can for the whole week on Saturday/Sunday and have found that baked egg/turkey bacon cups and a mix of spinach/brown rice/black beans is awesome and totally microwavable, but I would love to have some alternatives to that. As I’ve recently added your AMAZING afghan sabzi back into my weekly mix, I’m thinking about eating it for breakfast one of these days…
I have found for sure that my body functions much better in the morning (especially after workouts!) with a savory, protein-packed breakfast than the sweet stuff that I automatically crave on Saturday mornings.I used to do smoothies but found that the carb-heavy, already half-broken-down format as a meal didn’t satiate me until lunch or even a midmorning snack.
My boyfriend and I also cook breakfasts at home on weekend mornings; he tends to cook those because I cook most of the food during the week; he makes a killer sunny-side up, french toast, and any kind of bacon, but we’re always looking for ways to mix it up. Can’t wait for your cookbook! 🙂
01.12.2015 at8:38 AM #
Katie Morford
Sounds like you’ve got some good ideas in the rotation, but it’s always nice to have some fresh ones in the mix. Good make-ahead suggestions and I love that your boyfriend takes over on weekends. P.S. I’m love that sabzi, too. Might be good with an egg cracked on it 🙂
01.12.2015 at9:40 AM #
Carrie Gregg
So glad you are doing a breakfast cookbook. I will be looking forward to it. My family needs quick meals (combo of make ahead and quickly put together). We all want hot breakfasts only. No cold cereal or smoothies for us. (These are good snacks though). I would love to get more information on incorporating veggies into breakfast (salsas, muffins, etc.) and how to make sweet foods less “bad”. In other words, lower sugar, using syrup and honey instead of sugar, things like that. Thank you!
01.12.2015 at9:40 AM #
Katie Morford
Great suggestions, all. I especially like the idea of working veggies into breakfast. Challenging, but worthwhile.
01.12.2015 at9:58 AM #
erin {yummy supper}
Woo hoo! So glad you spilled the beans. So darned excited about your new book!
01.12.2015 at9:58 AM #
Katie Morford
Me too 🙂
01.12.2015 at10:02 AM #
Yeah!! I am so excited that you are writing another cookbook – fantastic! My big breakfast challenge is getting protein into the mix. I feel like we do a lot of carb heavy foods – and foods that are sweetened – but I need more protein ideas. My policy with my kids is “fruit first” – I don’t even put more food on the table until they have eaten their fruit (and vitamins) – then I try for something more healthy (i.e. eggs, muffin I made, oatmeal) and if they are still hungry (and I’m feeling pressed for time) I put some cereal in front of them. Some mornings I can spend 20 minutes getting breakfast ready – but some mornings I have 5 minutes.
01.12.2015 at10:02 AM #
Katie Morford
Hi Christina, Nice to hear from you! Protein seems to be a common thread here. I do think so many breakfasts are carb-centric (hello donuts, pastries, toast, cereal). Appreciate the time range. I suspect that is pretty typical.
01.12.2015 at10:45 AM #
Ahhh! That’s so awesome! 😀 Congrats! <3 I'm not a morning person at all, so I love quick, easy and healthy breakfasts that I can throw together either in the morning or the night before!
If it's in the morning, I don't really do anything more than 5 minutes of prep time unless it's on the weekend. (These days, I also really appreciate hot breakfasts. As amazing as an acai bowl might sound in the morning, I'm just too cold to brave it. ;_; ) Unique pancake flavors, French toast, baked oatmeal, overnight oats…I love it all! 😀 Savory breakfasts and protein-packed breakfasts would be all sorts of awesome! <3
01.12.2015 at10:45 AM #
Katie Morford
I hear you about hot breakfasts. My kids can down a smoothie any time of year, but I want the warm bowl of oats. Thanks for the ideas.
01.12.2015 at11:09 AM #
That is SO awesome! We are big breakfast lovers here – primarily oatmeal and cereal but we love it all and never, ever skip it. When will the book be out? Congrats!!!
01.12.2015 at11:09 AM #
Katie Morford
Thanks Leslie. Cookbooks take a while, with photography, etc. It will be out August 2016.
01.12.2015 at1:24 PM #
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Congrats! Breakfast is the best and my most favorite meal!
01.12.2015 at1:24 PM #
Katie Morford
Thanks Rebecca. That seems to be a sentiment from a lot of folks, but so often it’s an afterthought when mornings are so busy.
01.12.2015 at1:28 PM #
Congrat’s Katie!!
I echo all the other comments about less carbs, & more vegetables. Easy & under 10 minute to make so the kids can cook/prep themselves. Diversity! I get so tired of scrambled eggs/simple omelets as an alternative to pancakes/bagels/muffins.
xoxo Bean
01.12.2015 at1:28 PM #
Katie Morford
Yes, yes, and yes. Aiming for most of the recipes to be under 10, and many under 5. Nice to hear from you.
01.12.2015 at2:12 PM #
I can’t wait! I’m sure my copy will be as lovingly worn as my copy of your lunch book. My kids love huge bowls of cereal! The will also eat an ham and egg sandwich or french toast. I give myself 15 minutes to make it and they give themselves 2 seconds to eat it. Best of luck. I know it will be terrific.
01.12.2015 at2:12 PM #
Katie Morford
It can be a little disheartening to put effort into a meal and it goes down so quickly, particularly with two giant teenage boys! I appreciate your vote of confidence.
01.12.2015 at2:33 PM #
Nicole Sommerfeld
Hi Katie, great to hear your news! Any new ideas are welcome! Our timeframe for making and eating breakfast is about 20-25 mins total. One of my ideas is I like to use left-over brown rice, put it in a bowl, add milk, dried fruit, nuts, and a little bit of brown sugar and/or cinnamon. Heat in the microwave. It’ s a nice alternative to oatmeal which I am so tired of eating…
01.12.2015 at2:33 PM #
Katie Morford
Love that tip, Nicole. I am trying to have some alternative grains to oatmeal in the book and yours is a great idea. Appreciate the info about the time you devote the breakfast as well.
01.12.2015 at6:53 PM #
Lauren @ Eating with a Purpose
I’m a pediatric RD and am so excited to have come across your blog and hear about your cookbook (and cookbook to come)! I’ll have to pass this on to the parents of my patients 🙂
01.12.2015 at6:53 PM #
Katie Morford
Hi Lauren, So nice to hear from a pediatric RD…such an important role you play! Thanks for passing this along and for joining the conversation.
01.12.2015 at10:10 PM #
Congratulations! I also usually spend between 5 and 15 minutes prepping breakfast. I have a 2yo and a 5yo. Some of our usual suspects are PB(or AB) and J yogurt (from Weelicious), pumpkin coconut oatmeal, PB(or AB) and banana sandwiches (on toast, leftover pancakes, wraps or whatever), cereal w/various toppings, and granola bars. My biggest challenge is probably dealing with the ever changing tastes of my boys. For ex, my oatmeal used to be a reliable hit every week, and now they’ll just pick at it…or one will and the other will love it.
01.12.2015 at10:10 PM #
Katie Morford
You’ve got some good ones there, and Weelicious is a good source for ideas. I’ve experienced the ever changing tastes in my house, too. And it’s hard when they aren’t on the same page. Thanks for sharing.
01.13.2015 at9:59 PM #
Paul N
congrats! not sure why, but i’m the de facto breakfast chef around here. i’m all about trying to get some protein in my kids. lots of oatmeal. vary between steel cut and regular quaker rolled oats. would love ideas for add ins.
lots of eggs. one thing one of my kids loves is the “no yolk fried egg.” super easy to make and takes very little time.
waffles are a common treat. easy to make from scratch and there’s something about coming in to the kitchen smelling waffles. healthy recipes welcome.
kids love fresh muffins made from frozen summer blackberries and old bananas.
finally, can’t leave out bacon. latest recipe involves adding water to pan for chewy well cooked bacon.
looking forward to the next creation!
01.13.2015 at9:59 PM #
Katie Morford
I’m looking for an assistant…You available?
Your breafasts sound great. Yes, to oatmeal add ins. And I’m intrigued by the water in the pan bacon. Will have to try. Thank you.
01.14.2015 at8:22 AM #
Alison Thompson
Congratulations! I am looking forward to your new book! Breakfast is very rushed at our house (10 minutes) and no one wants the same things. I always have a version of overnight oats in a jar, my 12 year old has toast and peanut butter and my husband and 10 year old struggle each day with what to have. My 10 year old is not a fan of many breakfast foods so will often want pot stickers, a grilled cheese sandwich or a cucumber salad. I do worry that my children are not getting enough nutrition in the morning but getting them to eat much is tough. I loved your lunch book so am looking forward to sage advice and great recipes about breakfast:)
01.14.2015 at8:22 AM #
Katie Morford
Appreciate your comment, Alison. Nice to hear from you. It’s tricky to please eveyrone, especially in the morning when things are so rushed and (at least in my house) at least one of us wakes up on the wrong side of the bed.
01.14.2015 at1:54 PM #
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Woohoo! So exciting- congrats!!
01.14.2015 at1:54 PM #
Katie Morford
Thank you!