Calories in a Cinnabon Are More Than You Might Think

If you are doing any airplane travel this summer, you are likely to encounter the seductive scent of cinnamon rolls as you pass by a Cinnabon, that storefront eatery as ubiquitous in airports these days as security lines and cranky passengers. The smell is so powerful, you’d think they were bottling it in a laboratory and sending puffs of cinnamon- and butter-scented perfume into the air just as you pass by. “Drop everything and get in line,” the smell beckons.
What I’m about to tell you may make you think twice
A Pecan Cinnabon is over 1000 calories. For one. The plain version tops 800. That’s more than half the daily intake for most kids in nearly every age group, and many adults too.
I have always promoted the idea that with balance and moderation, there is room for all foods in a healthy diet. But with choices like Cinnabon, I’m not so sure. How do they even manage to get that many calories into a single bun?
I suggest you save your indulges for the holiday that lay ahead. Instead, consider making your own cinnamon toast, which is Snack Girl’s recommendation in order to quench your craving before you encounter THAT SMELL. Or check out my suggestions for eating on the go in A Wholesome Answer to Airline Eats.
Finally, if that scent is simply too overpowering to pass up, have your Cinnabon. But share it. With the whole family. Breakfast for four, with low-fat milk, maybe a piece of fresh fruit. Now that looks like balance and moderation to me.
07.09.2012 at8:03 AM #
There used to be a Cinnabon in my office building lobby (embarcadero 2) many years ago. It was ridiculous how powerful the aroma was. Kind of made me sick after smelling it day in and day out. My husband claims its all aerosol scent sprayed out into the air outside the shop! Fortunately I don’t like frosting and never bought one, but splitting one four ways sounds just about right.
07.09.2012 at2:02 PM #
David Kessler devoted a chapter to Cinnabon in his book “The End of Overeating,” noting how carefully it was designed to be hyper palatable, but even the “inventor,” Jerilyn Brusseau was extremely concerned about childhood obesity. It’s an interesting, albeit depressing, read.
07.09.2012 at2:02 PM #
Katie Morford
Fascinating. I will have to check that out. Thanks for sharing.