Flu Fighters! 5 Ideas for Healing Foods

Along with holiday celebrations and chilly weather, the close of the year also brings flu season, which according to the Centers for Disease Control, usually peaks in February. Now is the time to think about shoring up our immune systems. One of the best ways to do that is to consider what you put on your plate. For advice, I turned to registered dietitian nutritionist and healing foods expert, Vicki Shanta Retlny,, who passed along her recommendations for what to eat to keep the bugs at bay:
5 Flu-Fighting and Healing Foods
By Vicki Shanta Retlny, RDN
As a mom of two school-aged children, my goal is to tackle flu season head on with a daily dose of immune-boosting foods. Real food can come to your rescue and heal your body, as well as defend it against ailments caused by the common cold and flu. Here are five nutrient-rich remedies that I swear by from my book, The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods.
- Black and Blueberries – Compounds called anthocyanins, primarily found in the dark blue, purplish pigment of the berry’s skin, are believed to be responsible for their powerful defense against immune-busting invaders. Cold, flu and even normal aging processes may be thwarted by adding berries to your daily diet. Toss blueberries or blackberries into oatmeal, salads or smoothies for an extra immune boost.
- Yogurt – A cup of yogurt a day can help keep your immune system strong. Yogurt is made from fermented milk, which contains powerful “friendly bacteria” called probiotics. With an army of 100 trillion colonies of these microscopic bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract working hard every day to combat the ill-effects of the bad bugs, eating probiotic-rich yogurt can add extra defense. Check the label for “live, active cultures” to denote the presence of these live beneficial bugs. Buy plain yogurt and add your own fruit to avoid a lot of excess sugar and additives.
- Broccoli – This leafy green crucifer packs a punch against colds, flu and chronic ailments like cancer, heart and eye diseases. Broccoli contains high levels of an antiviral and antibacterial compound, diindolylmethane, which may also fend off certain cancers. It also contains carotenoids like lutein, which fends off free radical damage, which can cause illness and weaken your immune system. Steam or roast broccoli and drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil, garlic and twist of lemon.
- Mushrooms – White button mushrooms contain immune-boosting properties, thanks to significant levels of the antioxidant, selenium and B-vitamins, niacin and riboflavin. Selenium is instrumental in fending off viral infections – and low levels of niacin and riboflavin have been found to make the body susceptible to infection. Sometimes these white fungi are exposed to ultraviolet light to increase their vitamin D content, which add to their immune-boosting benefits. Look on the label for vitamin D3 in the mushrooms as a 3-ounce serving can contain 400 IU of vitamin D – that’s as much as 20 minutes of sun exposure and almost 100 percent of the recommended daily dose for adults
- Almonds – These crunchy tree nuts contain a powerful amount of the antioxidant, vitamin E, which defends cells from damage and also plays a big role in immune function. Enjoy an ounce of almonds – that’s 23 almonds a day, and you may help your body fend off chronic diseases and illness. Toss almonds with a bit of dried fruit, cinnamon and nutmeg for a fun fall fiesta mix. Try my recipe for Sweet and Spicy Autumn Almonds.
About Vicki
Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN is The Lifestyle Nutritionist™ because she believes that real, healing food can fit into every lifestyle. She lives to eat well with her family in Chicago. For Vicki’s recipes and writings, visit her blog, www.SimpleCravingsRealFood.com.
11.17.2014 at7:24 AM #
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Except yogurt, LOVE all of those foods!
11.17.2014 at7:31 AM #
So interesting! And easy. Anything to help with the fight at this point. Thank you!
11.17.2014 at7:31 AM #
Katie Morford
The best defense, really, is to take good care of yourself before flu season, which includes, of course, eating well!
11.17.2014 at7:43 AM #
Liz - Meal Makeover Mom
Happy to report that I love all of Victoria’s immune-boosting foods. What an easy way to stay healthy!
11.17.2014 at7:43 AM #
Katie Morford
Perhaps we can figure out how to cram them all into one smoothie. The broccoli and mushrooms could be a challenge. 🙂
11.17.2014 at9:57 AM #
Anne Mullen
Except mushrooms, love them all. During flu season, blueberries cost like gold, but if they stave off sickness, they’re worth it. As for almonds, I eat lots of them to kill acid reflux. They do as well as medicine so I carry a few in my pocket at all times.
11.17.2014 at9:57 AM #
Katie Morford
Anne, stock frozen blueberries and blackberries in your freezer. They are terrific tossed into smoothies. Nutritionally, frozen measures up quite well next to fresh.
11.17.2014 at10:27 AM #
Cynthia Jones
All good reminders, Katie thanks. As you always suggest, I find that if I have these healthy things available at home in easy to see and grab form, my teen will be much more likely to eat them vs. some other snack. I only wish I could make anything look as amazing as your photos! Wow, “presentation” in the food world is indeed an important thing. Not sure if you design your food photos, but major kudos to you if you do.
11.17.2014 at10:27 AM #
Katie Morford
Thank you Cynthia. Most of the photos are my own work, but you have to remember that this is my job. If like you, I had to be out the door and off to an office, I wouldn’t have the time to devote. But my job happens to take place in my kitchen. And to be honest, everything isn’t always so pretty around here. Just ask my kids 🙂
11.17.2014 at10:31 AM #
Trina Robertson (@TrinaR_RD)
I often make oatmeal with frozen blueberries (lots more affordable in the winter and convenient than fresh). Great list!
11.17.2014 at10:31 AM #
Katie Morford
Yes, excellent point, Trina.
11.17.2014 at11:13 AM #
Deanna Segrave-Daly (@tspbasil)
And wash those hands (and get a flu shot!) 🙂 Beautiful photo – would could resists these healing foods when they are presented like this??
11.17.2014 at11:13 AM #
Katie Morford
Yes, we can’t forget the basics! And plenty of sleep doesn’t hurt, either.
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