Gratitude Giveaway

I can’t believe a year has passed since I ran my first post on Mom’s Kitchen Handbook last December. So many good things have happened since then on the professional front that I’m pinching myself. Plus, this blog has been the most fun I’ve had while working. Ever.

I’m so grateful to all of you who have been tuning in, some from the very beginning, others from just a few days ago, that I wanted to give something back as a giant “THANK YOU!”

Next week I’ll announce the details of my Gratitude Giveaway. One of you will win the BIG PRIZE …something festive and sparkly for moms only (No, it’s not a shiny new kitchen utensil. Have a peek here for an idea).

Plus, I’ll be giving away wholesome holiday goodies to a whole bunch of runner up winners (hint, Virginia is making a batch in the photo above). So…stay tuned.


11.29.2011 at7:43 PM #

Pat Pat

Katie -While I am not one of your frequent “post -ers”, I have loved each and every blog and tried many of your recipes (and fantasized trying the others). Your helpful hints and advice have been invaluable as well. So THANK YOU for doing what you do!


11.29.2011 at7:43 PM #

Katie Morford

You are so sweet.

11.29.2011 at10:13 PM #

kim brady

Congrats and I look forward to many more fun and interesting posts in the new year.

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