Pineapple Kale Protein Smoothie

This post was sponsored by PureFormulas.
We have a newly minted vegetarian in our house. My oldest, Isabelle, stopped eating meat and poultry a few months back. Although she is a big animal lover and certainly cares for the planet, these weren’t the driving factors in her dietary decision making. This wasn’t a political statement; she’s just not that crazy about meat and was happy to take it off her plate.
Adjusting to this dietary change has been relatively seamless. The majority of our meals don’t center around animal protein to begin with. Plus, I enjoy the creative challenge of making sure she’s well nourished on the nights when meat is on the menu for the rest of us.
But I’ve found myself in worry mode lately over the meals she eats when I’m not at the helm of the stove. She’s an independent teenager who often makes her own breakfast and lunch. While she takes in plenty of fruits and vegetables, she can easily arrive at the dinner table having eaten barely a lick of protein all day, particularly since she’s not all that big on dairy foods or eggs.
So when online retailer PureFormulas approached me about creating a smoothie using their Essential Pea Protein, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. The protein powder is entirely plant based, derived from yellow peas. This makes it suitable for vegetarians of every stripe, vegans, and those sensitive to dairy, soy, and eggs (common sources for protein powder). Whirled together with fruit, leafy greens, and the milk of your choice, this Pineapple Kale Protein Smoothie is a sweet creamy drink that’s just right for my newly minted vegetarian, or anyone looking for a quick breakfast with a protein punch.
A green smoothie that doesn't taste like grass: Pineapple Kale Protein Smoothie #spon @pureformulas #veganrecipe #proteinpowder Share on XOne side note: since we’re talking vegetarian here, PureFormulas has an online tool kit for adopting a vegetarian lifestyle with loads of advice for meatless newcomers.

Pineapple Kale Protein Smoothie
- 3/4 cup milk (cow's milk or favorite plant milk)
- 1 cup cut frozen pineapple (fresh works too, it will just be a thinner consistency)
- 1/2 ripe, frozen banana, sliced
- 1 to 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder, such as Pure Formulas Pea Protein (optional)
- 1/2 cup roughly chopped kale or spinach, tough stems removed
Put all of the ingredients into the blender in the order listed. Blend until creamy and smooth.
02.09.2016 at10:42 AM #
I became vegetarian when I was 15. I didn’t like the killing of animals but I also didn’t like meat very much so it was easy to give up – perhaps like your daughter. Although many people try out vegetarianism and give it up, I’ve been vegetarian for 40 years! After reading John Robbins’ Diet for a New America, I stopped worrying so much about protein and I’m healthy and fit. I’m glad you are able to be supportive as she tries this out. She’ll be fine with you as her mom!!
02.09.2016 at10:42 AM #
Katie Morford
Thanks for chiming in Laurie-Ann. It really can be such a healthful diet, but I think there is a bit of a learning curve. It is making us all more mindful of eating more of a plant-based diet and choosing thoughtfully when we do eat meat.
02.11.2016 at10:45 AM #
EA-The Spicy RD
You are such a good mom! My daughter has “gone vegetarian” 3 times now. 2 of those times she went a week, and 1 time she went a month. I remember taking it in stride like you are, as I already was making a lot of plant based meals. Although she is currently eating meat, I have discovered that my whole family will happily devour pretty much anything made with lentils in place of ground meat, so that has become a staple at our house. This smoothie looks delicious, and I will have to try some pea protein powder too!
02.12.2016 at8:10 AM #
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes
I know my younger daughter will go through this at some point. She gets so grossed out by meat. She often just leaves it on her plate untouched. Since she is only 7 she probably doesnt yet know that it would be an option to go veg. I give her a couple years tops. Love that this smoothie looks and tastes great!
02.17.2016 at7:31 PM #
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
I love the color of this smoothie and it sounds so tasty and refreshing!
02.17.2016 at7:31 PM #
Katie Morford
Thanks Sonali. I love the pretty green too. Sometimes looks do matter 🙂
02.18.2016 at2:28 PM #
I’m nearly idenitcal to you. I’m 15, 5’4 , and 140.Honestly going vegetarian doesn’t guarantee weight-loss unless you really pay attention to your calorie and nutrient intake. Vegetarians tend to actually GAIN weight when they first start out because they resort to eating processed foods and carbs. Potato chips, mashed potatoes, white bread, cookies, soda, and most candies are all vegetarian.When I went vegetarian I gained about 10 pounds, then after I started paying attention to the foods I ate I lost about 15. In order to lose weight as a vegetarian, you have to replace your meats properly. When I went vegetarian at first I just eliminated my meats. When my mom made steak, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner, I just ate potatoes and corn.Morning Star and Boca products are good for starters. They are basically fake meat, made from vegetables and soy products. But I wouldn’t eat these excessively, since they are loaded with processed ingredients. You really, really have to make sure you’re eating a variety of vegetables and fruits. Before it wasn’t AS important since you obtain many nutrients from meat. But now you MUST make sure you aim for at least 6-8 fruits/vegetables a day.As long as you’re conscious about what you’re eating and don’t resort to cupcakes and potato chips, you definitely could lose weight on a healthy vegetarian diet.
04.04.2021 at8:41 AM #
The pineapple is perfect to cancel out the bitterness found in kale, and kale is a very good source of calcium. This is very smart smoothie! I will definitely give it a try.
04.04.2021 at8:41 AM #
Katie Morford
Oh good. Hope you like it.
12.14.2022 at3:02 AM #
Pineapples being rich in manganese promotes holistic weight loss by regulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the body