Mom's Kitchen Handbook

10 Foods to Boost Heart Health

10 foods to boost heart health

As a registered dietitian who has spent my career trying to walk the talk of eating well, I was taken aback last year to learn that my cholesterol had ticked up. Though my HDL or “good” cholesterol was great, my LDL or “bad” cholesterol had moved above the recommended range. It’s not an uncommon change with the decline in estrogen that comes with aging, but I was concerned. Heart disease is serious business, after all, the leading cause of death among women in the U.S. Plus, higher LDL is also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Improving Heart Health

With my cholesterol numbers in hand, I set about making tweaks to my diet in hopes of nudging my LDL down. I focused mostly on what to eat MORE of to improve my numbers, while at the same time minimizing the saturated fat in my diet (which raises LDL and increases risk for cardiovascular disease). Fast forward to last month when my blood work showed a notable improvement, with my HDL/LDL ratio back in a healthy range. This being heart health month, I figured it was a good time to share my story and to talk through 10 foods that can promote heart health. 

A Healthy Heart Is More Than What You Eat

Before I dig in, let me mention that it’s not all about food. Genetics play a role in heart disease risk, as does exercise, smoking, sleep, and stress. But since we’re all about the food here at Mom’s Kitchen Handbook, that’s the focus, starting with ten tasty ingredients to do right by your ticker. And if you’re looking for some recipe inspo, I curated 20 Heart Healthy Recipes to get you started.

10 Foods to Boost Heart Health


Snacking on nuts at least four times a week has been linked to improved heart health, thanks in part to their anti-inflammatory properties. Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, and pistachios have all been found to lower LDL cholesterol. Seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, chia, and flax have similar benefits. Flax, chia, and hemp seeds, along with walnuts, are particularly of interest, since they’re a plant-based source of prized Omega-3 fats. Nuts and seeds are also an excellent way to get fiber and protein onto your plate (3 tablespoons of hemp seeds, for example, has nearly 10 grams of protein). While there isn’t consensus about the amount you need to eat for maximum benefit, ¼ cup nuts, 2 to 3 tablespoons of seeds, and 1 to 2 tablespoons of nut butter is something to aim for. Here are a few handy ways to work them into your everyday diet:

Tip: Store glass jars filled with nuts and seeds right at eye level in your fridge so you remember to add them to hot cereal, salads, vegetables, toast, or smoothies.


The American Heart Association recommends eight ounces of fish per week (2 four-ounce servings is a good way to think about it). That’s in large part because fish is such a good source of Omega-3 fats, most especially fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, trout, mackerel, and cod. Even better, swap fatty meats, which are high in saturated fat, and enjoy fish instead. It’s a win win. If you’re wondering about fish oil supplements, the research isn’t conclusive. I always think whole food is best, but If you don’t like fish or have a hard time getting it into your diet, fish oil supplements may be your best bet. 

Here are a few easy ideas for adding more fish:

Tip: Though rich in Omega-3s, some fish are high in the environmental pollutant mercury. This might provide some useful information when it comes to buying seafood. 


Eating oats on a regular basis has been found to lower LDL cholesterol, thanks to its soluble fiber. I like to boost the fiber even further by adding a few teaspoons of psyllium husks to my oatmeal. In addition to tosimple oatmeal, here are a few ways to eat more oats:

Tip: Oats don’t just have to be for sweet dishes. Try making a batch of steel cut oats to enjoy with savory toppings, such as a drizzle of olive oil, sautéed spinach, and a poached egg. You’ll find a recipe like this in my book Rise & Shine. 


It’s for good reason that brain health expert Annie Fenn recommends ½ cup of berries a day. They’re loaded with antioxidants, which fight chronic inflammation and can help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidizing (when oxidized cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it increases risk for cardiovascular disease). Different berries have different nutritional benefits, so enjoy what you like and go for variety.

Tip: Since berries can be pricey, particularly when they’re not in season, stock up on frozen ones. They’re just and good for you as fresh, often go on sale, and are available at many budget-friendly stores. 

Beans & Legumes

Beans and legumes are high in fiber, including soluble fiber, which can have a cholesterol-lowering effect. There is also evidence to suggest that dietary fiber helps regulate blood pressure and helps control blood sugar, both associated with heart health. Also a plus? They’re a source of protein, so are a natural swap for meat. As for any concerns about the anti-nutrient lectin in beans, proper cooking eliminates lectins almost entirely. Lastly, be sure to rinse canned beans well, since it will cut the sodium by about 40 percent.

Tip: If you want to add more beans to your diet, do it gradually so your system can adjust. In time, they won’t likely cause the pesky gas and bloating associated with eating beans. 

Green/Black Tea

Research suggests that two to three daily cups of green or black tea is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Both black and green tea are rich in beneficial polyphenols, but green tea outpaces black tea in this regard. Plus, green tea is lower in caffeine, so you may be able to drink more without getting the jitters.

Tip: For maximum benefits, steep tea for three minutes. Green tea is best when steeped in hot, but not boiling water (180℉).  Black tea can be seeped at a higher temperature (200℉).

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Extra-virgin olive oil is is my go-to fat in the kitchen for a good reason. Beyond the fact that I love the flavor, it’s a highly cardio-protective ingredient. Research shows that olive oil can help lower bad cholesterol, may bump up good cholesterol, and can make that good cholesterol more effective in protecting heart health. Olive oil has an even bigger impact when it replaces dietary sources of saturated fat, such as butter and coconut oil. 

Tip: Keep your olive oil away from heat and light. This will help protect those beneficial polyphenols and make it last longer.

Tofu (and other whole soy foods)

Technically speaking, tofu falls into the legume category, since it’s made from soybeans. But, I wanted to give tofu (and other whole soy foods) its own spotlight for two reasons: 1. It’s rich in isoflavones, which are are linked to lowering LDL cholesterol and preventing plaque build-up in blood vessels. 2. It’s rich in protein, so makes a terrific substitute for saturated fat-rich animal protein.

Leafy Greens 

All greens are good for you, including kale, collards, chard, arugula, bok choy, dandelion greens, spinach, and more. Indeed, studies show that eating one cup of raw and 1/2 cup cooked greens per day can lower heart disease risk. They’re high in nitrate, which lowers blood pressure, and also deliver fiber, minerals, and phytochemicals. A few ideas:

Tip: It’s worth noting that too many leafy greens are contraindicated for folks on certain blood thinners, so be sure to explore the topic with your doc. 

Dark Chocolate

I figure we need something sweet on this list, and what’s better than dark chocolate? It’s a source of healthy plant polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. The darker the chocolate the better, since it’s higher in antioxidants and lower in sugar than, say, milk or semi-sweet chocolate. A few suggestions:

Tip: Look for dark chocolate that’s at last 70 percent cacao for maximum benefits. 

If you like these 10 Foods to Boost Heart Health, you might also like:

Benefits of Dark Leafy Greens w/ 16 Recipes

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Sardines, Superfood of the Sea

Much gratitude to my nutrition intern Hannah Zimmerman, who contributed research for this post and is credited with all the photographs. You can find more of her work on her website.

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